Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long does it take to install? It takes an hour to install.

Are custom sizes available? At this particular time, the garden box is only available in one size. 

Will it rust? No, the garden box will not rust.

What can I plant in the raised garden box? You can plant a variety of items in your garden box. During the consultation, we will discuss what items you would like to plant and provide advice based on that discussion.

Can I install myself? The installation of the garden box is included with the price.

Where should I place my garden box? You can place the garden box anywhere that the garden box will receive 5 hours of sunlight.

How many items can I plant in the garden box? It varies depending on what you would like to plant. 

Do Garden boxes come with warranty? No, but we are willing to go above and beyond to make sure that every customer is happy with the product.

How much is delivery? Delivery is included in the price of the garden box. At this particular time, we are only delivering to customers within a 30 mile radius.

Do I have to assemble the garden box? No, the garden box already comes assembled.